Proud to announce that we won the final stage of the American-Made Geothermal Manufacturing Competition, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) at the Geothermal Rising Conference in Reno, NV.

As a result of the funding from the various stages of this amazing program over the past two years, we have been able to develop our Diamond ETIP (Extreme Temperature Isolation Packer) from concept to a working prototype. (More info here:

Our intention is to use this final round of prize money to ruggedize and commercialize this innovative all-metal, wireline deployed and retrieved packer system over the next year.

A huge thank you to the American-Made leadership team, comprised of people from both the DOE’s Geothermal Technologies Office and the Advanced Manufacturing Office as well as from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. What a fantastic program! We highly recommend entrepreneurs to check them out for other competitions. (More info here:

Also, we could not have done this without our partners at Rice Alliance for Technology and EntrepreneurshipStar Precision, LP, and Protolabs. Thank you!